MaidenMonstruous update

Here is the first post-jam update of MaidenMonstruous. I've fixed some of the issues that were brought up during the jam, as well as some minor tweaks for the visuals. Here's a list of the changes:

Controls :
- Set the default controls to WASD instead of ZQSD
- Added Keyboard remapping

These were the most mentioned issues in the game jam, and I'm happy keyboard remapping on Godot wasn't as much of a pain as I expected.

Player Character :
- Changed the basic attack (formerly a tentacle grab) to a summoning of tentacle javelin, that travel in a straight line. If an enemy is in auto-targeting range, the javelin will go straight at them, but can still be used effectively outside of that range.
- Increased base attack auto-targeting range.
- Increase the heavy attack hitbox
- Added some inertia to the movements, to avoid instant turns. 

A lot of people complained the auto targetting wasn't good enough, and some also thought the "pull toward target" effect was a bug. So I decided to change the base attack to something that allows players to put a bit more distance between them and the enemy. I decided to go with a system where players didn't need to aim against close foes (so they couldn't move around the enemy without problems) while allowing long-range combat if the player aim. For the flight, someone mentioned the flight feeling like noclip mode, so I added inertia to try to fight this effect, altho I'm not certain it's enough. And I increased the hitbox of the Heavy Attack because now that the light attack was a one target long-range attack, I could go full-on with the "Big Destructive Melee AOE"

- The enemies are now surrounded by a "halo" effect that turns purple when in auto targeting range.
- A health bar above their head was added so the player can see how much health they have left.

I haven't delved too much on the enemies, but since a lot of people did mention they were hard to spot, I decided to do that fix. The halo is fairly big so they are easier to spot, and the change of color adds an additional cue to how close they are. That said, I think the next update I'll make will be mostly focused on the enemies because this is the part I feel need the most work.

Other :
- Slightly changed the coloration to give a bit more life to the game.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this update.


MaidenMonstruous0.1.5.rar 15 MB
Sep 28, 2021

Get Maiden Monstrous

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